Brainvisa announces its new range of services for rapid Mobile Learning
Released on: August 13, 2008, 1:01 am
Press Release Author: Brainvisa
Industry: Human Resources
Press Release Summary: Moving up to the next level in Learning, Brainvisa unveils its capabilities in mLearning including-rapid eLearning authoring systems, custom mobile-based portals and custom content for Mobile phones.
Press Release Body: The new basket of mLearning services by Brainvisa aims at overcoming the challenges faced by corporate organizations and academic institutions in providing on-the-fly learning. Geographically dispersed learners coupled with the need to save time have resulted in mobile phones being a key tool to deploy eLearning. The range of mLearning services provided by Brainvisa include 1) Rapid eLearning authoring systems to create Flash and HTML courses for Mobile phones 2) Custom Mobile Manager Applications for managing end-to-end eLearning 3) Custom content development for Mobile phones including eLearning, Game based learning, sales simulations, surveys, mobile search tools and assessments.
The authoring system is based on the RapideL-i workflow, the rapid eLearning system developed by Brainvisa. This template-based system allows creation of FlashLite and HTML based courses for any type of mobile phones including the iPhone. This easy-to-use tool allows you to add interactivities, graphics, voice and videos.
The Mobile Manager applications can be created for managing eLearning. To derive greater benefit these applications can also include Business Dashboards, HR Support Systems, Performance Support Systems, Training Management Systems and Sales Management Systems. These systems can be made accessible from mobiles phones enabling senior managers to monitor critical business functions while on the move.
Apart from providing tools to create mLearning, Brainvisa also helps create bespoke content for mobile phones. Along with regular eLearning curriculum, Brainvisa can create short, revision modules for every program for learners to access on the move. These modules can vary from high-interactive sales simulations, video/audio based learning, game-based learning and assessments. The extended services portfolio also includes mobile search tools which mobile users can use to search or look-up information from an existing information pool or any ERP database.
For a preview of these services, please visit For more information on these services please write to us at
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